Like any machine, our brain requires the right fuel to work efficiently. If you fill your car with bad fuel, it will quickly break down and you will have to repair it often
Likewise, if we don't feed our brain with quality energy, doubts and hesitations will only accumulate.
Fuel it with the right fuel and you will see how it transforms your physical and emotional state.
What fuel do we need?
Для эффективной работы мозга
и контроля эмоций необходимо
Омега-3, здоровые жиры, клетчатка, белки, витамины и минералы
Адекватное потребление воды
Регулярные упражнения,
и постоянное движение
Необходим для восстановления и укрепления памяти
Регулярное чтение, головоломки, изучение нового
Коммуникация и социальные связи
Техники релаксации, медитация

В этом скрывается причина изменения
вашего восприятия


Provide a source of energy.
Help absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
Important for the health of cell membranes and hormone production.
Healthy fats: avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish (salmon, tuna).
Omega-3 fatty acids: flaxseed, chia, walnuts, fish.


Building blocks for cells, tissues and organs.
Important for tissue growth and repair.
Participate in the production of hormones and enzymes.
Fish, beef, chicken, legumes (lentils, beans), tofu, quinoa, nuts.


The main source of energy for the body.
Important for maintaining normal functioning of
the brain and nervous system.
Whole grains: oatmeal, quinoa,
wild brown rice.
Fruits and vegetables: apples, bananas, carrots, broccoli.


Support the immune system.
Participate in metabolism and maintaining healthy bones, skin and blood.
Vitamin C: citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries.
Vitamin D: sunlight, fatty fish, fortified dairy
Calcium: dairy products, green leafy vegetables, almonds.
Iron: red meat, spinach, legumes.


Provides hydration to the body.
Participates in maintaining the normal function
of all body systems.
Pure water: the main source of hydration.
Water from food: fruits and vegetables that
contain a lot of water (e.g. watermelon, cucumbers)


Improve bowel function.
Help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
Whole grains: whole grain bread, brown rice.
Fruits and vegetables: apples, pears,
carrots, broccoli.
1. Include healthy foods in your diet
Including these foods in your diet will greatly help your body
and mood. These are just a few examples, nature is rich in many cool products

2. Eat fresh food
Try to eat as much fresh food as possible. It nourishes your body and mind, providing you with the necessary substances for an active and
healthy life

3. Experiment with giving up flavor enhancers
Experimenting with giving up flavor enhancers will open your true perception of food. You will be able to understand how much food your body really needs

4. Review your eating habits
You will find that many of the habits we are accustomed to are not actually beneficial. Your body will begin to form into something beautiful -
without excess fat and weight

5. Appreciate the power of natural food
You will feel how natural food makes you stronger, lighter and more energetic

6. Forget about low-calorie diets
You do not need low-calorie diets. We need calories, but if they come from healthy sources, you won't gain weight.
Unhealthy foods, such as those high in sugar, salt, trans fats, and saturated fats, can have a negative impact on your health.
For example, excess sugar consumption has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Sugar can also worsen skin conditions and contribute to increased stress levels.
Excessive salt consumption has been linked to a risk of hypertension and heart disease, and can also lead to fluid retention and high blood pressure.
Trans fats, which are often found in processed foods and fast food, contribute to higher levels of bad cholesterol and lower levels of good cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. Saturated fats, found in fatty meats and dairy products, can also contribute to heart disease if consumed in moderation.
To maintain health, it is important to consider not only the type of food consumed, but also the amount of food consumed.
Excessive consumption of foods, especially those with low nutritional value,
can lead to nutritional imbalances and cause health and emotional problems.

Moderation and variety in nutrition are key to maintaining health. A balanced intake of different food groups provides the body with essential vitamins,
minerals, and other nutrients.
Including a variety of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in your diet helps maintain optimal energy levels and improve overall health. Eating a varied diet not only helps prevent deficiencies in essential nutrients, but also promotes
better digestion and emotional well-being.


Like any machine, our brain requires the right fuel to work efficiently. If you fill your car with bad fuel, it will quickly break down and you will have to repair it often
In the computer version you will find even more products that are easy to find on store shelves, and soon the application will have many interesting facts and useful information

the story of two grandmothers
When you exercise, your cortisol levels rise as part of your body’s normal
stress response. This “good” stress helps you adapt to the stress by improving your metabolism and increasing your energy levels. Cortisol helps break down stored glucose, which provides your muscles with the fuel they need, and
helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. As a result, exercise, while it may cause short-term stress, ultimately strengthens your body, helping it adapt and improve its fitness.
However, it is important to remember that, as with everything, there is a balance. Excessive exercise
or insufficient rest can lead to excessive cortisol levels and negatively impact your health. Find the optimal training
and recovery routine to maintain your health and fitness over the long term.

Start small!
Remember, every step counts, even if
it resembles a tiny piece of cake. The body is not a robot, it likes to get used to things gradually, so don’t try to become a superhero in one day.
Balance is the key to success.
Small but consistent steps -
as if you were putting together a jigsaw puzzle: first one piece, then another. The same with habits:
start with something small, for example,
do 5 squats instead of 0.
Gradually increase the load, as if you were adding a little salt to a dish - so as not to oversalt, otherwise you risk overdoing it.
Listen to your body and take your time. After all, no one wants to be in the role of a runner who falls like a frightened unicorn after the first kilometer. This way you can achieve your goals without stress and overexertion, and also maintain a sense of humor - it will definitely help you on this journey!
Include a variety of exercise routines to keep your interest and your body well-rounded

Try to engage in physical activity regularly, making it an integral part of your life

Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid injury and overuse

Enjoyable Activities
Choose physical activities that you enjoy, whether it be dancing, swimming, cycling or something else

Quality sleep plays a vital role in maintaining the health and proper functioning of the brain. During sleep, the body restores strength, processes information accumulated during the day, and strengthens memories.
This is especially important for the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for
memory and learning.
During sleep, memory consolidation occurs, which helps to better remember
and absorb new information

Sleep also helps regulate your emotional state, reduces stress levels, and improves your mood. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, can lead to irritability, decreased concentration, and poor cognitive function
One of the key functions of sleep is the production of the hormone melatonin, which is released mainly at night, between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. Melatonin helps regulate sleep and wakefulness, and has an antioxidant effect, protecting brain cells from damage. A lack of melatonin due to late bedtimes or disrupted sleep patterns can negatively affect sleep quality and overall well-being. Therefore, it is important to maintain a regular sleep schedule and create conditions for its optimal production, such as a dark and quiet environment during nighttime rest.
Omega-3, healthy fats, fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals
Adequate water intake
Regular exercise,
and constant movement
Necessary for restoring and strengthening memory
Regular reading, puzzles, learning new things
Communication and social connections
Relaxation techniques, meditation
Likewise, if we don't feed our brain with quality energy, doubts and hesitations will only accumulate.
Fuel it with the right fuel,
and you will see how it transforms your physical and emotional state
Just six simple tools that can change your perception!

Regular exercise helps release endorphins, which improve your mood and reduce stress

Keep moving!

For example, if you have a sedentary job, get up every hour and do small exercises to get your blood flowing. Dance, move - your brain loves it, and it will help maintain your emotional state. Include regular breaks in your work: do stretching, light squats, or just walk around the office. Such simple actions will help you stay alert and maintain a good mood
If you have an active job, it is important to maintain a balance between physical activity and rest. Even under high loads, do not forget to fill yourself with useful fuel - proper nutrition and enough water. This will help restore strength and maintain productivity
Set a regular sleep schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps stabilize your internal biorhythms

Create a suitable environment

Sleep in a dark, quiet, and cool room. Use a sleep mask or thick curtains if the room is too bright

Avoid screens before bed

An hour before bed, stop using phones, tablets, and computers, as the blue light from screens reduces melatonin production

Limit caffeine and alcohol

Avoid drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol in the evening. These substances can disrupt your sleep and reduce its quality

Be active during the day

Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality, but avoid intense workouts

late at night

Create a pre-bed ritual

Find relaxing activities like reading, meditation, or a warm bath to help you get into the mood for sleep

Watch your diet

Eat a light meal for dinner and avoid heavy or spicy foods before bed

Consider your circadian rhythms

Aim for your main sleep phases to occur between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., when melatonin production is at its peak

Stay hydrated

Drink water throughout the day, but avoid large amounts of fluids right before bed to avoid waking up during the night
For the brain to function effectively and control emotions, it is necessary
What fuel do we need?

We are what we eat, and this directly affects our health and mood. Your well-being depends on the quality of the food you consume.
Snacks, sodas, packaged juices, sweets, fast food, chips, cookies, breads and canned food contain chemical additives and preservatives that can have a destructive effect on your brain.
These substances not only deprive food of nutritional value, but can also cause fatigue, negative emotions and problems with concentration

This is the reason for the change in your perception

On the contrary, healthy food, rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, can contribute to a more stable and positive mood.
So if the world seems grey or the people around you are irritating, it is important to analyze your diet. It is quite possible that a small adjustment will be enough to return a positive outlook on things.
For example, if you often feel tired or irritable, it is worth trying to reduce the consumption of sugar and processed foods. Instead, add more fresh vegetables, fruits and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish or nuts, to your diet. They support brain health and contribute to an improved mood.

Another simple adjustment is water consumption. You need clean water. Bad water can cause headaches and fatigue, which also affects your perception of others
spinach, cabbage, parsley
dark chocolate
(more than 70% cocoa)
Considered the most beneficial
product for the brain.
Due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, it is a lubricant for the brain, supports the health of neurons, improves memory and promotes concentration. Regular consumption of salmon helps reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and supports overall emotional well-being

contain acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that plays a key role in memory, learning, and concentration. Including eggs in your diet helps strengthen cognitive function and maintain healthy brain function
provide potassium, which supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system. B vitamins in bananas help improve energy metabolism and overall health.

tryptophan, contained in bananas, is converted into serotonin, which helps improve mood and relaxation
Contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Supports joint health and improves digestion.

Increases serotonin and dopamine levels, which helps maintain a positive mood and reduce stress
rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and helps in tissue repair. It also helps improve the absorption of iron from plant foods and promotes skin health.

vitamin C promotes the production of dopamine, which helps maintain energy levels and improve mood
Contain a lot of water, which helps maintain hydration. Provides antioxidants and vitamins that promote healthy skin and support kidney function.

Indirectly support brain health through hydration and detoxification
contain fiber, which supports digestive health and helps control blood sugar levels. Antioxidants in apples help protect cells from damage.

antioxidants and vitamins support serotonin and dopamine levels, which helps improve mood and cognitive function
Contains omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart and brain health, as well as reducing inflammation and improving metabolism. A good source of protein and vitamins.

Omega-3 fatty acids support the production of serotonin and dopamine, which helps improve mood and concentration
contain healthy fats, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E and magnesium, which support heart, brain and cognitive health. Improve memory and concentration.

support serotonin and dopamine levels, helping to improve mood and cognitive function
Contains beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, which supports healthy eyes, skin, and the immune system. Also useful for maintaining cardiovascular health.

Beta-carotene promotes normal serotonin and dopamine function, supporting cognitive function and overall health
Contains healthy fats, potassium, and vitamin E, which support heart, brain, and skin health. Avocados also help improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain.

The healthy fats in avocados support the production of dopamine and serotonin, which helps improve mood and cognitive function
Berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help protect the brain from oxidative stress and support cardiovascular health. Improve memory and cognitive function.

Antioxidants in berries support the production of serotonin and dopamine, helping to improve mood and increase concentration
Greens are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, which is important for bone health and cognitive function. They also contain antioxidants, which protect brain cells from damage.

Supports the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which helps improve mood and mental clarity
rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which help protect brain cells from oxidative stress.

Improves blood flow to the brain
and may support cognitive function.

increases serotonin and endorphins, helping to improve mood and create a feeling of happiness
At least 180 minutes of moderate
intensity (brisk walking)
or 95 minutes of high-intensity
(running) exercise per week.
Your phone has the necessary apps to count

Improves blood circulation, delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain, reduces stress and anxiety
At least three times a week, covering all major muscle groups

Strengthens muscles and bones, improves metabolism and promotes the release of endorphins, which improve mood and desire

Balance exercises such as boxing or balance board exercises several times a week

Improves coordination and reduces the risk of falls, which is especially important for older adults
Do yoga or stretching several times a week

Improves flexibility, reduces muscle tension and promotes relaxation
Good stress from regular exercise plays a key role in improving mood and reducing stress. The endorphins released increase emotional stability, speed up the making of good decisions and improve overall well-being. This has a positive effect on relationships with loved ones, making a person more tolerant, responsive and open to communication
Начни прямо сейчас, жизнь скоротечна

все исчезнет, как гаснет действие веществ
In my personal experience and that of my friends, meat often causes problems. Meat takes longer to digest, and in the body, where the temperature is maintained at 98.6°F,
putrefaction processes can begin.
This increases the risk of bacterial contamination and negatively affects
your overall well-being.
Don't get me wrong - I am not against meat. However, I recommend considering fish as a lighter alternative. Fish contains easily digestible fats and is digested faster, which reduces the likelihood of digestive problems. Eating fish helps maintain health and provides the body with healthy fats without the complications that
meat can cause.
Personally, I gave up meat a long time ago, and it completely changed my life. I felt a real lightness and realized how much meat was harming my body. Now I enjoy fish and I see a huge difference in my well-being.
But in the end, the choice - meat or fish - is only yours.
The main thing is to approach this consciously
and with understanding.
There are many products given by nature that can saturate your brain and body, so you will notice the difference
in your emotional state. The main thing is not to compensate for this with unhealthy food. It can SOMETIMES be present in your LIFE,
but the main emphasis should be on healthy products.
Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and greens.
Try to cook food in such a way as to preserve its useful properties, avoid overcooking and overfrying. When buying products, pay attention to the composition and try to avoid those that contain chemical additives
and preservatives
In my computer version I talked about several very important vitamins and minerals for our body. Each of them plays its own unique role.

look there
Dance, jump, walk and swim. Be sure to spend time outdoors, in the forest or park, to saturate your brain with oxygen. There are many sports, dances and activities related to movement in the world. People who are physically active even at 90 years old feel young. Do not believe the excuses of older people that it is too late to change anything. These excuses are an attempt to explain inaction in the past. Start taking care of your body now, otherwise one day it may be too late. Inaction will lead to illness and depression, and at some point you will find yourself consumed by this state, unable to get off the couch
Stop filling yourself with all sorts of garbage and spreading toxicity around! You are not a garbage dump to shove everything that comes to hand into yourself. What you eat directly affects your mood and perception of the world. It's time to stop consuming everything and start caring about what you put into your body.
Change your diet - you will change your outlook on life. I do not want to be in a society where people who neglect their health try to drag others into their trap, justifying their bad habits and complaining about life and their illnesses, as if it were just genetics. And if you decide to enjoy unhealthy food, know that there are consequences: after that, sit at home and give your brain time to get back to normal.

As they say, everything is good in moderation - delicious cakes can be a part of life, but should not be a system
In my sedentary job, where I work on the computer all the time and use only my brain, I stay active and maintain my well-being. Every hour I take a break: squat, do a plank, turn on some music and start dancing. This helps me to perk up and improve my mood. I also go for a walk, enjoy the fresh air, and do not forget to drink clean water to maintain hydration. To maintain energy and optimal brain activity, I refuel with quality fuel, since brain work requires a lot of energy. These simple but effective habits help me to maintain productivity throughout the day.
It is important not to go to bed for another 2-3 hours after your last meal, especially a heavy one, otherwise feeling unwell and looking puffy will be your morning companions

Yoga is not just a religion, but a unique tool that helps to reveal the true potential of the body and mind.
It offers a whole range of practices aimed at improving physical condition, harmonizing the inner world
and finding deep peace.
Each asana and each breathing exercise is a key to understanding yourself, capable of opening the doors to new levels of health and well-being.
Yoga teaches us to listen to our body, developing flexibility and strength, as well as improving coordination
and awareness. But its influence is not limited to the physical aspect: through the practice of yoga, we learn to manage our mind and emotions, finding inner balance
and harmony.
This ancient practice does not require blind adherence to dogma, it is based on personal experience and an individual approach

Yoga becomes a guiding thread in our quest for a healthy and conscious life, helping to connect the body, mind and spirit into a single harmonious system
Here are some examples
that I use myself
yoga can help you unlock your potential and improve your life

Physical Practice

Regular practice of asanas (postures) improves flexibility, strength, and endurance.
For example, the tree pose (Vrksasana) develops balance and concentration, and the warrior pose (Virabhadrasana) strengthens the muscles of the legs and back

Breathing exercises

Practicing pranayama (breathing exercises) helps improve concentration and
relaxation. For example, deep breathing techniques (Dyastic Breathing Method) help relieve stress and improve sleep


Meditation helps develop inner peace and awareness. For example,
meditation on breathing or mindfulness helps focus on the present moment
and reduces anxiety

Stress reduction

Corpse pose (Savasana) promotes relaxation and stress relief,
which helps cope with stress
and improves overall well-being

Developing mindfulness

Yoga practice teaches you to be mindful of your body and emotions. This allows you to better understand yourself and your needs, promoting personal growth and harmony

Balance and concentration

Yoga helps improve coordination and concentration. For example, the balance pose on one leg (Eagle Pose) develops stability

and attention, which is useful for everyday life
Yoga techniques are suitable for people of any level of training and can be adapted to individual needs.
With their help, you can significantly improve the quality of life, learn to cope with stress and maintain emotional balance.

If you have the opportunity, contact professionals who really know their business. They will help you master the practice more effectively and safely.
If your financial capabilities do not allow, there are many high-quality videos on YouTube

Personally, I recommend the Isha channel, where, headed by Sadhguru, useful practices and advice are presented

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