Now let's get acquainted.

Here you will read my story and motives.

I divided my story into three parts: BRAIN, EMOTIONS and FUEL,
to tell in more detail the essence of my intentions.
But first I warn you that some aspects may sound quite tragic. However, if you read what errors are in the BRAIN section, you will understand
that this is just a path that led to something bigger

My name is Vlada.

I am a young scientist, a digital artist, and on the way to becoming a real programmer
In general, I can be whoever I want, it's only a matter of time and effort
Now I am in complete harmony with myself and the world around me thanks to the tools I shared with you.
My personality has formed in such a way that I am not afraid of anything: neither heights, nor water,
nor darkness, nor snakes, nor spiders, nor other insects.
I am resistant to failures, thanks to my failures, I learn from mistakes, and develop my cognitive functions.
I am not afraid to lie on the grass, go to distant forests and mountains,
travel alone, try new dishes and ride a bike.
I can adapt to any external factors,
because I know what our brain is capable of.
I am not ashamed of freedom of speech, and I do not care what people think of me.
I do not hold grudges and quickly let them go, I do not look for the guilty ones either.
Nothing irritates me, except whining and stupid people - this is one of the main reasons for creating my project. The second reason is to surround yourself with as many intelligent people as possible.

I am looking for allies in developing our intellect and striving to be in harmony
with nature. I want people to stop justifying their inaction and start acting themselves, without waiting for it from others.

Your activity and desire for change will help make the world a better place, and it depends only on you what it will become!
Six years ago, I went through one of the most difficult moments of my life.
Almost simultaneously, I lost my mother in a car accident and my grandfather, who passed away after a long battle with cancer. These tragedies became a turning point that forced me to rethink my existence.
In search of the meaning of life and answers to questions about death, I immersed myself
in the study of religions, philosophical concepts and various theories.
I found peace and inner understanding through the practice of yoga.
Thanks to it, I was able to more deeply understand our world, the relationship with the body and the meaning of death. This inspiration pushed me to study the work of the brain and emotional perception, which opened up new horizons in my understanding of existence.
Along this path, I made many mistakes, experimenting with different methods of self-knowledge and influencing my body. Some of these experiments were harmful, led to a deterioration in cognitive functions and even negatively affected others. But it was through this experience that I came to understand the importance of taking care of my body and brain.
I realized how much our perception of the world depends on how we interact
with nature, what habits we live with
and how this affects our perception of reality.

I was born into a family where my father was an example of a very smart and goal-oriented person, and this desire for knowledge was passed on to me. Up to 12 years old, a child absorbs information like a sponge, and this shapes his future aspirations and desires. I attended several schools of additional education (art, English, music) and sections (tennis, dance, gymnastics), participated in olympiads and competitions, and even won, which helped me believe in my abilities. My neural connections developed from different sides. A cheerful child who absorbed knowledge, saw no barriers and was sure that the world was beautiful in itself.

However, growing up, I began to feel embarrassed by my intellect, and every year it was harder for me to interact with society, but more on that in the emotions section.

The brain is truly amazing!
It has the ability to develop throughout life. The right “fuel” allows us not only to fulfill our desires, but also to bring benefit and
joy to the world at any stage of life.

Neuroscience shows that our perception of the world and how we see reality depends on what we fill our brain with. What content we consume, what food we eat, who we communicate with, where we get our knowledge from, where we travel and what we read. For example, if a person constantly watches melodramas, his life begins to resemble this genre.

The brain is like a hard drive, and we program ourselves and our reality, as if we write code and create new programs.

It also performs the functions of storing, processing
and retrieving information, is able to store a huge amount of data, be it memories, knowledge or emotions,
and structure it so that we can easily find the information we need when we need it.

The brain organizes and organizes data by creating associations between different elements, which helps it to be recalled and used efficiently in the future.
However, like a hard drive, the brain has limited resources
and can become “overloaded” with too much information or stress, which slows it down. Sometimes information can become less accessible if it is not used regularly, similar to data fragmentation.

Developing cognitive functions plays a key role in maintaining youth. Our brain needs constant training to stay active and flexible. By stimulating cognitive functions such as memory, attention, thinking, and problem solving, we help the brain and body stay young and efficient. as long as possible

One of my idols is Tatyana Chernigovskaya, a Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics.
At 77, she continues to live a full, rich life, maintaining clarity of mind and physical health.
She is actively involved in scientific research, gives lectures, and her performances are real art.

Examples like these inspire us and remind us that age is just a number. When I see so many people, regardless of age, making excuses for their inactions, I feel like they are missing out on an opportunity to live life to the fullest. If you want to stay mentally clear and healthy, it is important to avoid excuses
and strive for self-improvement.

Being reasonable makes people calm and empathetic, helping them see the world in harmony. We have a need to take care of nature, because we directly depend on it. Understanding this important aspect strengthens our connection with the environment
and helps us make more conscious decisions in life.


I was born not only with brains, but also with increased emotional activity. You may have noticed that children are born with different hormonal levels: some are naturally calm, while others, like me, belong to the category of those who need to be everywhere. Our personality is formed not only under the influence of upbringing and the influence of others - we are born with individual characteristics. Hormones and genetics play an important role, this affects our behavior, reaction to stress and tendency to activity or calmness. These biological characteristics, laid down from birth, determine our emotionality and tendency to interact with the outside world.

I, like many others, had a hard time: there were different views and approaches to upbringing in the family. I listened to everyone, and did not listen to anyone. A stubborn girl, with a tendency to argue, so I often had problems at school. I ran away from home, went to concerts without asking, brought home animals, jumped on garages and fell from trees. In general, I have made many mistakes in my desire to understand the world. This desire sometimes turned against me. I could not control my emotions, and they often prevailed over reason, which aggravated difficult situations. Over time, the condemnation of others led to complexes and lack of confidence in my abilities. The older I got, the more difficult it was to overcome my fears of society. My abilities were often criticized, because not everyone can like you. There will always be those who like you, and those who find you inconvenient.

Back then, I took everything too much to heart. Internal torment forced me to abandon any undertakings halfway and go down the wrong paths, which led me further and further from my true goals and desires.
My life has always been chaotic and full of changes, many of which turned into difficult trials. I faced the loss of loved ones, experienced unhappy love, and allowed addictions such as drugs and alcohol to become part of my routine. There were periods when I rapidly lost weight, then gained it back, lived a sedentary life and was often ill. There were many mistakes, and each of them seemed like a new step down. I was ashamed of myself, did not believe in my own strength and mental abilities. Gradually, self-destruction, depression and a sense of meaninglessness took over my life. Often, I made career decisions spontaneously, without a thoughtful plan. I dedicated many years to working in the restaurant industry. It was a difficult path, full of challenges and sometimes devoid of humanity. Starting as a waitress, I gradually reached the position of manager of prestigious establishments. At a certain point, I believed that my career depended solely on appearance. I never sold myself, but I believed that my mental abilities were of no interest to anyone, and appearance was my only capital. This period taught me something important: you can’t limit your potential to what’s on the surface.
Working for a charity helped strengthen my psyche, and my restaurant career gave me valuable skills and true friends. My life was full of experiments and changes, and every experience is a lesson. Looking back, I understand that all this led me to understand what I really want and how the world works.

While my insecurities were still with me, I found solace in computer games and books. Over time, this passion led me to the world of digital technology and helped me make friends who shared my interests. I began to delve deeper into this area and gradually used my artistic skills, which eventually led me to work for a small company in Australia. This was the starting point of my path in the world of technology.
Gradually, I found support and inspiration from friends working in the same field. Their belief in me became a driving force, helping me develop in the chosen direction. Since then, I have found my calling in the digital world, where I have mastered many skills - from creating logos and websites to learning programming languages, working with cryptocurrency and participating in various projects. Now I have decided to take the next step - to create my own app. In parallel with this, I am sharing with you my research in the field of neuroscience, which has helped me to implement many ideas and live a more conscious and joyful life. My learning journey continues, there are still many challenges ahead, but now I am confident in my abilities and that I am able to achieve my goals. At this stage, I often disappear from the sight of others in order to devote more time to my development.

In our chaotic world, full of constant change and uncertainty, it is especially difficult to cope with emotions. Every day we face a lot of problems, from small everyday ones to global ones, and their impact on our emotional state.
The problems we face can be of different nature, financial difficulties, personal conflicts, stress at work or health issues. Each of these situations can cause emotional experiences, which, if not controlled, can accumulate and turn into chronic stress.
It is especially difficult to cope with emotions in the conditions of a constant flow of information and social networks, where we are often faced with idealized images of other people's lives, which can give rise to a feeling of despondency or envy, peer pressure and social expectations. In the pursuit of success and achievements, we often forget about the need to take care of our own emotional well-being. Work, obligations and other external demands can push the importance of our own feelings into the background.
To cope with emotions in such a chaotic world, it is important to develop emotional intelligence skills.

Understanding how the brain works and how it influences our emotional state is of great importance for creating a friendlier and more understanding world. We all strive to live in an environment where genuine emotions and mutual support are valued, where you can be yourself without fear of judgment.

If you really want to change the life around you, start acting right now. Stop sitting on the couch, discussing who bought a new fur coat or complaining about your boyfriend to your friends. Don't whine when you don't get what you want if you haven't done anything for it. Don't justify your vices by blaming others, remember that your actions have consequences, and it is important to deal with them in time, without shifting responsibility.
If you want to be surrounded by nice people, know that real change begins with loving and caring for yourself. , you will see how many wonderful people will be around. Your perception of the world will change, because you will rewrite your internal program, introducing habits that your brain really needs.
You will want to take care of others, and there will be more love in the world, which we so need.

After three years of living abroad, I returned to Russia and saw a sharp contrast in the quality of food. The products on the shelves are horrifying: canned goods, sugar, emulsifiers everywhere. Study the ingredients carefully, because it can destroy the health of your brain. Fish and meat, which can lie in refrigerators for years, it is difficult to choose truly useful products for the brain.
However, there is good news. Vegetables, fruits, eggs and products that people sell from gardens and farms are natural village food. Look for the freshest products. Chemical products can be stored for a long time, but this is unnatural. We are part of nature, and our brain requires natural food. This is the fuel that maintains your health, helps the brain develop, increases endurance and speeds up learning.
Experiment with nutrition, and you will see a huge difference. We will not know what is really good for us until we try.

Yoga helped me realize the importance of constant activity. I do it every day, and now my pains are gone. Movement has become an integral part of my life, and I feel better when I feed my brain the nutrients it needs. Periods of frequent drug and alcohol abuse had a negative impact on my body and mind, and I saw truth where there was none.
Relaxation techniques have also become important. In our chaotic world, full of different opinions and beliefs, it is important to maintain confidence in yourself and your actions. Many factors can undermine our goals - from politics that seeks to take advantage of people, and advertising that tries to manipulate us, to an environment that forms complexes and hinders action. Even now, when all efforts are directed at work, I encounter attempts to stop me for the sake of other people's benefits and beliefs. Unreasonable people constantly demand something. Staying in harmony with yourself is not always easy, but it is in our power to remain human.

The choice is always yours. You can continue to complain about failures or take responsibility for your life into your own hands. It will take effort, but over time you will start enjoying fresh food and sports, and you will see how it changes your life. Changes are possible without psychologists, astrologers and tarot readers - it all depends on you. You create your own reality.
And here too, I will start with childhood and those who took care of us in those years - our grandmothers. They grew up in the Soviet Union, and those who know history know that they had a hard time. Therefore, when a variety of food appeared on store shelves, they thought that children should be fed all of this.
Pies, pelmeni, soups with fat, lots of bread and sweets - that's how I was fed. Now, looking back, I understand why control over my emotions was often unavailable to me. When a child is fed everything, this leads to low perseverance, laziness, obesity, frequent illnesses and emotional swings. By the way, about illnesses: I used to think that getting sick several times a year was normal. Every house had a chest with medicines for everything, I was surrounded by care, but was it really so?
As a result, gastritis at the age of 12 and iron deficiency anemia. Constant fainting spells and severe pain, visits to doctors led to only one conclusion: "It will pass as I grow up." Back then, no one talked about the importance of nutrition, and this is still the case. When I travel, I notice that there are more unhealthy people and fat children in Russia. Apparently, this is still true for many people today.
Since I was 15, I have been experimenting with nutrition: I would exhaust myself or, on the contrary, gain too much weight. Returning to poor nutrition again programmed me for depression and the meaninglessness of life.
Sports have always been in my life, but during periods when I did nothing, at 20, my legs would swell, I had a bad memory, and I looked older than my age. I became stupid and cried often. Back then, I did not understand the reasons for my conditions and shifted responsibility to others: bad work, a terrible government, and the like. Simply put, I also went through a period when I was a couch critic. Despite the different stages in life, I always knew that I had to keep searching. It turned out that all the answers were on the surface. Studying energy and the brain showed me that we are what we eat. By filling our brains with garbage, we get the same garbage around us - sadness, depression and misunderstanding. Even speech becomes boring and incoherent. On the contrary, what nature gives us - fresh food, sun, vitamins and minerals - improves not only our health, but also changes the perception of the world. Maintaining balance in all aspects of life brings harmony. Each person who comes to this becomes another reasonable and friendly person who brings harmony not only to his life, but also to the world around him.

After reading this story, you may have already understood my motives. We all strive to enjoy life, to have the ability to love and give love. But this requires effort, you need to maintain a balance in all aspects of life and be able to remain calm under any circumstances.
In general, I perceive the world as a game with different tasks and tests, I treat failures with humor and learn important lessons. This is the philosophy of my life, which is easy to explain with science.
We are all individuals, but in fact, in many ways the same.
We need the same things: we want to love and be loved, to be healthy and fulfill our dreams. We have problems to solve and obstacles to overcome.
So are we really that different?
To maintain this balance, the knowledge I shared on this site will help you.
I understand that perceptions may differ, and if you have not tried it yet, I advise you to
start right now.
I actively use these tools, and thanks to this I was able to write this article, it took quite a lot of effort. As part of the experiment, if you are interested, please leave a specific review of what could have changed using these tools.
I can say with great confidence that this will work if you really do it. If I am wrong somewhere, please write a reasoned review. I will definitely read it and take into account aspects that can explain where I am wrong.
I did not write this article with some kind of global appeal, I absolutely do not care what my life position is, I would like to know how many people there are who share my views, and those who truly value their minds and want only good for the world.

Move, dance, travel and learn new things. Be friendly and take responsibility for your life into your own hands.
Understand the differences and similarities, love animals and do not be afraid of obstacles. We are all children of nature, and it takes care of us. We must not forget and take care of it. This way we will come to an understanding of the world around us, and there will be more positive and joyful days in our lives.

Thank you for reading my article. I wish you to love the world as much as I do. If you have not done so yet, start right now.
Now let's get acquainted.
Here you will read my story and motives.
I divided my story into three parts: BRAIN, EMOTIONS and FUEL, to tell the essence of my intentions in more detail.
But first, I warn you that some aspects may sound quite tragic. However, if you read what errors are in the BRAIN section, you will understand that this is just a path that led to something bigger.

My name is Vlada.
I am a young scientist, a digital artist
and on the way to becoming a real programmer. In general, I can be whoever I want - it's only a matter of time and effort.
To be honest, it was not easy for me to talk about myself, because now I remember even tragic moments
with a light heart.
Well, in general, it seems to me that
all this is nonsense
Now I am in complete harmony with myself
and the world around me thanks to the tools I shared with you.
My personality has formed in such a way that I am not afraid of anything: neither heights, nor water,
nor darkness, nor snakes, nor spiders, nor other insects.
I am resistant to failures, thanks to my failures, I learn from mistakes,
and develop my cognitive functions.
I am not afraid to lie on the grass, go to distant forests and mountains,
travel alone, try new dishes and ride a bike.
I can adapt to any external factors,
because I know what our brain is capable of.
I am not ashamed of freedom of speech, and I do not worry about what people think of me.
I do not hold grudges and quickly let them go, I do not look for the guilty ones either.
Nothing irritates me, except whining
and stupid people - this is one of the main reasons for creating my project. The second reason is to surround yourself with as many intelligent people as possible.

I am looking for allies in developing our intellect and striving to be in harmony
with nature. I want people to stop justifying their inaction and start acting themselves, without waiting for it from others.

Your activity and desire for change will help make the world a better place, and it depends only on you what it will become!
Six years ago, I went through one of the most difficult moments of my life.
Almost simultaneously, I lost my mother in a car accident and my grandfather, who passed away after a long battle with cancer. These tragedies became a turning point that forced me to rethink my existence.
In search of the meaning of life and answers to questions about death, I immersed myself
in the study of religions, philosophical concepts and various theories.
I found peace and inner understanding through the practice of yoga.
Thanks to it, I was able to more deeply understand our world, the relationship with the body and the meaning of death. This inspiration pushed me to study the work of the brain and emotional perception, which opened up new horizons in my understanding of existence.
Along this path, I made many mistakes, experimenting with different methods of self-knowledge and influencing my body. Some of these experiments were harmful, led to a deterioration in cognitive functions and even negatively affected others. But it was through this experience that I came to understand the importance of taking care of my body and brain.
I realized how much our perception of the world depends on how we interact
with nature, what habits we live with
and how this affects our perception of reality.

I was born into a family where my father was an example of a very smart and goal-oriented person, and this desire for knowledge was passed on to me. Up to 12 years old, a child absorbs information like a sponge, and this shapes his future aspirations and desires. I attended several schools of additional education (art, English, music) and sections (tennis, dance, gymnastics), participated in olympiads and competitions, and even won, which helped me believe in my abilities. My neural connections developed from different sides. A cheerful child who absorbed knowledge, saw no barriers and was sure that the world was beautiful in itself.

However, growing up, I began to feel embarrassed by my intellect, and every year it was harder for me to interact with society, but more on that in the emotions section

The brain is truly amazing!
It has the ability to develop throughout life. The right "fuel" allows us not only to fulfill our desires, but also to bring benefit and joy to the world at any stage of life.
Neuroscience shows that our perception of the world and how we see reality depends on what we fill our brain with. What content we consume, what food we eat, who we communicate with, where we get our knowledge from, where we travel and what we read. For example, if a person constantly watches melodramas, his life begins to resemble this genre.
The brain is like a hard drive, and we program ourselves and our reality, as if we write code and create new programs.
It also performs the functions of storing, processing
and retrieving information, is able to store a huge amount of data, be it memories, knowledge or emotions,
and structure it so that we can easily find the information we need when we need it.
The brain organizes and organizes data by creating associations between different elements, which helps it to be recalled and used efficiently in the future.
However, like a hard drive, the brain has limited resources
and can become “overloaded” with too much information or stress, which slows it down. Sometimes information can become less accessible if it is not used regularly, similar to data fragmentation.
Developing cognitive functions plays a key role in maintaining youth. Our brain needs constant training to remain active and flexible. By stimulating cognitive functions such as memory, attention, thinking, and problem solving, we help the brain and body stay young
and efficient. as long as possible
One of my idols is Tatyana Chernigovskaya, a Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics.
At 77, she continues to live a full, rich life, maintaining clarity of mind and physical health.
She is actively involved in scientific research, gives lectures, and her performances are real art.
Examples like these inspire us and remind us that age is just a number. When I see so many people, regardless of age, making excuses for their inactions, I feel like they are missing out on an opportunity to live life to the fullest. If you want to stay mentally clear and healthy, it is important to avoid excuses and strive for self-improvement.
Being reasonable makes people calm and empathetic, helping them see the world in harmony.
We have a need to take care of nature, because we directly depend on it. Understanding this important aspect strengthens our connection
with the environment
and helps us make more conscious decisions in life.


I was born not only with brains, but also with increased emotional activity. You may have noticed that children are born with different hormonal backgrounds: some are naturally calm, while others, like me, belong to the category of those who need to be everywhere. Our personality is formed not only under the influence of upbringing and the influence of others - we are born with individual characteristics. Hormones and genetics play an important role, this affects our behavior, reaction to stress and tendency to activity or calmness. These biological characteristics, laid down from birth, determine our emotionality and tendency to interact with the world around us.

I, like many others, had a hard time:
there were different views and approaches to education in the family. I listened to everyone, and did not listen to anyone. A stubborn girl, with a tendency to argue, so I often had problems at school. I ran away from home, went to concerts without permission, brought pets home, jumped on garages and fell from trees.

In general, I got a lot of bumps in the quest to understand the world. This quest sometimes turned against me. I could not control my emotions, and they often took over my mind, which aggravated difficult situations. Over time, the condemnation of others led to complexes and insecurity in my abilities. The older I got, the more difficult it was to overcome my fears of society. My abilities were often criticized, because not everyone can like you. There will always be those who like you, and those who find you inconvenient.

Back then, I took everything too much to heart. Internal torment forced me to abandon any undertakings halfway and go down the wrong paths, which led me further and further from my true goals and desires.
My life has always been chaotic and full of changes, many of which turned into difficult trials. I faced the loss of loved ones, experienced unhappy love, and allowed addictions such as drugs and alcohol to become part of my routine. There were periods when I rapidly lost weight, then gained it back, lived a sedentary life and was often ill. There were many mistakes, and each of them seemed like a new step down. I was ashamed of myself, did not believe in my own strength and mental abilities. Gradually, self-destruction, depression and a sense of meaninglessness took over my life.
Often, I made career decisions spontaneously, without a thoughtful plan. For many years
I devoted myself to working in the restaurant industry. It was a difficult path, full of challenges and sometimes devoid of humanity. Starting as a waitress,
I gradually reached the position of manager of prestigious establishments.
At a certain point, I believed that my career depended solely on appearance. I never had to sell myself, but I believed that my intelligence
was of no interest to anyone, and that my appearance was my only capital.
This period taught me something important: you can’t limit your potential to what’s on the surface.
Working for a charity helped strengthen my psyche, and my restaurant career gave me valuable skills and true friends. My life was full of experiments and changes, and every experience is a lesson. Looking back, I understand that all this led me to understand what I really want and how the world works.

While my insecurity was still with me, I found solace in computer games and books. Over time, this passion led me to the world of digital technology and helped me make friends who shared my interests. I began to delve deeper into this area and gradually used my artistic skills, which eventually led me to work for a small company in Australia. This was the starting point of my path in the world of technology. Gradually, I gained support and inspiration from friends working in the same field. Their belief in me became a driving force, helping me develop in the chosen direction. Since then, I have found my calling in the digital world, where I have mastered many skills - from creating logos and websites to learning programming languages, working with cryptocurrency and participating in various projects. Now I have decided to take the next step - to create my own app. In parallel with this, I share with you my research in the field of neuroscience, which has helped me to implement many ideas and live a more conscious and joyful life. My learning journey continues, there are still many challenges ahead, but now I am confident in my abilities and that I am able to achieve my goals. At this stage, I often disappear from the sight of others in order to devote more time to my development.

In our chaotic world, full of constant change and uncertainty, it is especially difficult to cope
with emotions. Every day we face a lot of problems, from small everyday ones to global ones,
and all this affects our emotional state.
The problems we face can be of different nature, financial difficulties, personal conflicts, stress at work or health issues. Each of these situations can cause emotional experiences, which, if not controlled, can accumulate and turn into chronic stress.
It is especially difficult to cope with emotions in the conditions of a constant flow of information and social networks, where we are often faced
with idealized images of other people's lives, which can give rise to a feeling of despondency
or envy, peer pressure and social expectations. In the pursuit of success
and achievements, we often forget
about the need to take care of our own emotional well-being. Work, obligations and other external demands can push the importance of our own feelings into the background. To cope with emotions in such a chaotic world, it is important to develop emotional intelligence skills.

Understanding how the brain works and how it influences our emotional state is of great importance for creating a more friendly and understanding world. We all strive to live in an environment where genuine emotions and mutual support are valued, where you can be yourself without fear of judgment.

If you really want to change the life around you, start acting right now. Stop sitting on the couch discussing who bought a new fur coat or complaining about your boyfriend to your friends. Don't whine when you don't get what you want if you haven't done anything to achieve it. Don't justify your vices by blaming others, remember that your actions have consequences, and it is important to deal with them in time, without shifting responsibility.

If you want to be surrounded by nice people, know that real change begins with loving and caring for yourself. You will see how many wonderful people will be around you. Your perception of the world will change because you will rewrite your internal program, introducing habits that your brain really needs. You will want to take care of others, and there will be more love in the world, which we so need.


After three years of living abroad, I returned to Russia and saw a sharp contrast in the quality of food. The products on the shelves are horrifying: canned goods, sugar, emulsifiers everywhere. Study the ingredients carefully, because it can destroy the health of your brain. Fish and meat, which can lie in refrigerators for years, it is difficult to choose truly useful products for the brain.
However, there is good news. Vegetables, fruits, eggs and products that people sell from gardens and farms are natural village food. Look for the freshest products.
Chemical products can be stored for a long time, but this is unnatural. We are a part of nature, and our brain requires natural food. This is the fuel that maintains your health, helps the brain develop, increases endurance and speeds up learning.
Experiment with nutrition, and you will see a huge difference. We will not know what is really good for us until we try.

Yoga has helped me realize the importance of constant activity. I do it every day and now my pain has disappeared. Movement has become an integral part of my life and I feel better when I feed my brain the nutrients it needs. Periods of frequent drug and alcohol use had a negative impact on my body and mind, and I saw truth where there was none.
Relaxation techniques have also become important.
In our chaotic world, full of different opinions and beliefs, it is important to maintain confidence in yourself and your actions. Many factors can undermine our goals - from politics that seeks to take advantage of people, and advertising that tries to manipulate us, to an environment that forms complexes and hinders action. Even now, when all efforts are directed at work, I encounter attempts to stop me for the sake of other people's benefits and beliefs. Unreasonable people constantly demand something. Staying in harmony with yourself is not always easy, but it is within our power to remain human.

The choice is always yours. You can continue to complain about failures or take responsibility for your life into your own hands. This will require effort, but over time you will begin to enjoy fresh food and sports, and you will see how it changes your life. Changes are possible without psychologists, astrologers and tarot readers - everything depends on you. You yourself create your reality.
And here too, I will start with childhood and those who took care of us in those years - our grandmothers. They grew up in the Soviet Union, and those who know history know that they had a hard time. Therefore, when a variety of food appeared on store shelves, they thought that children should be fed all of this. Pies, pelmeni, soups with fat, lots of bread and sweets - that's how I was fed. Now, looking back, I understand why control over my emotions was often unavailable to me. When a child is fed everything, this leads to low perseverance, laziness, obesity, frequent illnesses and emotional swings. By the way, about illnesses: I used to think that getting sick several times a year was normal. Every house had a chest with medicines for everything, I was surrounded by care
But was it really so?
As a result, gastritis at the age of 12 and iron deficiency anemia. Constant fainting spells and severe pain, visits to doctors led to only one conclusion: "It will pass as I grow up." Back then, no one talked about the importance of nutrition, and this is still the case. When I travel, I notice that there are more unhealthy people and fat children in Russia. Apparently, this is still true for many people today.
Since I was 15, I have been experimenting with nutrition: I would exhaust myself or, on the contrary, gain too much weight. Returning to poor nutrition again programmed me for depression and the meaninglessness of life.
Sports have always been in my life, but during periods when I did nothing, at 20, my legs would swell, I had a bad memory, and I looked older than my age. I became stupid and cried often. Back then, I did not understand the reasons for my conditions and shifted responsibility to others: bad work, a terrible government, and the like. Simply put, I also went through a period when I was a couch critic. Despite the different stages of my life, I always knew that I had to keep searching. It turned out that all the answers were on the surface. Studying energy and the brain showed me that we are what we eat. By filling our brains with garbage, we get the same garbage around us - sadness, depression and misunderstanding. Even speech becomes boring and incoherent. On the contrary, what nature gives us - fresh food, sun, vitamins and minerals - improves not only our health, but also changes the perception of the world. Maintaining balance in all aspects of life brings harmony. Each person who comes to this becomes another reasonable and friendly person who brings harmony not only to his life, but also to the world around him.

After reading this story, you may have already understood my motives. We all strive to enjoy life, to have the ability to love and give love. But this requires effort, you need to maintain a balance in all aspects of life and be able to remain calm under any circumstances.
In general, I perceive the world as a game with different tasks and tests, I treat failures with humor and learn important lessons.
This is the philosophy of my life, which is easy to explain with science.

We are all individuals, but in fact, in many ways the same.
We need the same things: we want to love and be loved, to be healthy and fulfill our dreams. We have problems to solve and obstacles to overcome.
So are we really that different?
To maintain this balance, the knowledge I shared on this site will help you.
I understand that perceptions may differ,
and if you have not tried it yet, I advise you to start right now.

I actively use these tools, and thanks to them I was able to write this article,
it took quite a lot of effort.
As part of the experiment, if you are interested, please leave specific feedback on what could have changed using these tools.
I can say with great confidence that this will work if you really do it. If I am wrong somewhere, please write a reasoned review. I will definitely read it and take into account aspects that can explain where I am wrong.
Move, dance, travel and learn new things. Be friendly
and take responsibility for your life
into your own hands.
Understand the differences and similarities, love animals and do not be afraid of obstacles. We are all children of nature, and it takes care of us. We need to remember and take care of it. This way we will come to an understanding of the world around us, and there will be more positive and joyful days in our lives.

Thank you for reading my article. I wish you to love the world as much as I do. If you haven't done so yet, start right now
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